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Emily Jacob

Photographer & Videographer

I'm Emily Jacob and I'm a photographer and Videographer specialising in portraiture and moving image.


Currently studying a Bachelor of Arts Photography degree at Birmingham City University but also based in London. 4 years of Photographic experience and 1 year of videography experience. Experimenting with various genres, I explore different topics and ideas to create visual art. Most of my work is on vintage and historical content. However, I am constantly experimenting with various genres in photography and videography. I have studied to obtain technical and artistic skills within this industry focusing on my production skills. During university, I developed both digital and analogue skills, continued my computer skills such as editing on multiple software and collaborated with various visual artists.


Living in London, I then moved to Birmingham to study Photography, experience a different environment and meet other people in this industry to work with and to gain opportunities. I enjoy travelling and learning new skills wherever I go and document this via photography and videography. 


Collaborating with other visual artists such as costume designers, media students, actors and composers has allowed me to understand and work alongside other departments of the industry to build skills for future employment. Work experience with Birmingham Local TV allowed me to learn and gain skills in TV production including on and off location shooting, editing etc. Producing visual content on a platform such as television is my motive and currently looking for work as a assistant producer.

I continue to work on my visual arts while seeking opportunities to enter the television industry. 


Final panel selection for RPS Film Distinction Award

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